Eskdale Academy

Eskdale Academy
Believe and Achieve!

Parent Feedback

For all we only do questionnaires once a year there is an online platform available for all parents to leave comments about our school.
The information on this site is available for OFSTED to look at when performing an inspection.
If you have 2 minutes spare, please log on to:
and give your opinions online.

Parent Questionnaires

Below you will see a summary of findings, followed by some commentary about some of the issues you have shared with us. If you have any questions about this process, or have any issues which have come up throughout the year, please do not hesitate to contact us. SDP Letter & Questionnaire

This school meets my child’s particular needs.

As a school we strive to identify the individual needs of every child and act quickly to meet these whether they are academic or emotional. Pupils are rigorously tracked using school systems and children at risk of marginalisation or underachievement are quickly identified. Vulnerable pupils are tracked carefully as part of school pupil progress meetings and further monitoring is undertaken by the inclusion team who establish the appropriate intervention to support your child’s academic or emotional needs – something which we feel we do very well as a school. We like to work in partnership with parents to ensure their child’s needs are met and actively encourage them to come into school and discuss concerns with the class teacher, head of inclusion, SENCO or Headteacher.

This school ensures my child is well looked after.

At Eskdale Academy, we have very rigorous procedures in place to ensure the safeguarding and welfare of our children and a robust system to monitor and review the effectiveness of these. Our safeguarding strategies underpins the five elements of the ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda: be safe, be healthy, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic wellbeing. Here at Eskdale, we have a core objective to keep children safe by: providing a safe environment for children and young people to learn in, identifying children and young people who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, taking appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and in school, ensuring all staff and adults working within our School are suitable vetted and cleared to work with our young people. Your child’s safety and happiness is paramount to us and our staff strive to provide safe, nurturing environments to allow our children to flourish socially and academically, however should you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing in school I urge you to contact us so we can resolve any issues.