Eskdale Academy

Eskdale Academy
Believe and Achieve!

Information on Bullying



Come in to find the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology. Find out what’s good, what’s not and what you can do about it. If you look after young people there’s an area for you too – with resources you can use in the classroom or at home. Most importantly, there’s also a place which anyone can use to report if they feel uncomfortable or worried about someone they are chatting to online visit:  THINKUKNOW Website



For more information on dealing with bullying visit the Kidscape website.

Kidscape equip young people, parents and professionals with the skills to tackle bullying and safeguarding issues across the UK.
For more information on dealing with cyberbullying take a look at our esafety section here.

View our Anti-bullying policy here


NSPCC - Helping you keep children safe

Whether you're a parent, worried about a child you know or work with children as part of your job, we all have a part to play in keeping them safe. Find out more about the types of child abuse, how to look out for a child's safety, the child protection system and the latest research and resources in child protection. Visit the website.


CHILDLINE - Get support

You can contact Childline about anything. Whatever your worry, it's better out than in. We're here to support you and help you find ways to cope.

There are lots of different ways to get in touch with us. And you can also get help from other young people through our site.

Visit the website